Find Quick Local work

Why Find Larry?

find new jobs

You can now quickly access any new job openings near your area anytime you’re free to take on a shift

Flexible schedule

You get to choose which times you’re able to work and take on jobs

Earn More, Faster

With Find Larry, you can now access new jobs & shifts anytime and monetize your spare time & get paid at the end of every shift

Easy to get started!

With just a few clicks you are ready to get started

Set up your profile

  • Choose sectors of interest
  • Choose availability & location radius
  • Get "Right to Work" verified & upload your docs

Switch on your availability

  • Toggle "open to work" on or off in real time
  • View upcoming shifts within your chosen location
  • Check job requirements

Request shift

  • One-click shift request
  • View upcoming shifts within your chosen location
  • Accept shift

Complete shift & get paid

  • Easy system for checking in and out of your shift
  • Get paid at the end of your shift
  • Review and favour employers for future reference

Ready for shift seeking?

Shift seeker plans
casual plan



Per month

  • Get notified about new jobs in your area
  • Apply to preferred jobs
  • Create shift seeker profile
  • Get recommended to employers
  • Stand out from other employees
  • Upload additional supporting docs
  • Profile Boost (appear higher in searches)